FW: CFP Affecting, Emoting, and Feeling Disability

Devva Kasnitz
Mon, Aug 28, 2023 5:53 PM


Devva Kasnitz, PhD

Devvaco Consulting, 1614 D St. Eureka, CA 95501-2345 -- devva@earthlink.net
or devvaco@gmail.com

Adj Professor, City University of New York—School of Professional
Studies—Disability Studies

Text: 510-206-5767, She/Her/Hers

From: The Disability-Research Discussion List
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2023 8:43 AM
Subject: CFP Affecting, Emoting, and Feeling Disability

Affecting, Emoting, and Feeling Disability: Entanglements at the
Intersection of Disability Studies and the Sociology of Emotions

Edited by Yvonne Wechuli, Marie Sepulchre and Kelly Fritsch

Deadline for Abstracts: 15 November 2023 | Deadline for Articles: 15 March

Frontiers in Sociology, peer-reviewed journal indexed in PubMed Central
(PMC), Scopus, Google Scholar, DOAJ, CrossRef, Web of Science Emerging
Sources Citation Index (ESCI) , CLOCKSS, ERIH PLUS, welcomes new and
exciting research papers for its upcoming issue “Affecting, Emoting, and
Feeling Disability: Entanglements at the Intersection of Disability Studies
and the Sociology of Emotions” edited by Yvonne Wechuli (University of
Cologne), Marie Sépulchre (Lund University), and  Kelly Fritsch (Carleton


This special issue explores theorizing on disability and emotion as one
frontier of the Sociology of Emotions as it intersects with Disability
Studies. While the Sociology of Emotions has only engaged with disability in
limited ways so far, emancipatory knowledge produced about disability within
the broad field of Disability Studies (including fields like Mad Studies,
Deaf Studies, and Critical Autism Studies) provides a rich archive of
emotional first-hand accounts of feelings and affective relations such as
joy, pride, shame, disgust, and fear that are often undertheorised.
Importantly, the fields of Sociology of Emotions and Disability Studies
understand their central topics as primarily social, cultural, political,
and ecological phenomena, challenging their conceptualization as natural,
individual, or as limited to the realm of the human. By bringing both fields
into conversation with one another, this special issue aims to deepen our
understanding of emotions, feelings, and affect related to disability.

This special issue welcomes mutual inspiration and cross-fertilization of
sociological and disability studies theorizing on emotions and disability,
focusing on questions of ontology, epistemology, performativity, and the
more-than-human. Questions of ontology ask what disability and disabled
emotions, feelings, and affect are. Such questions draw attention to the
emotions, feelings, and affect that are triggered by experiences of,
encounters with, and discourses about disability. Epistemological questions
focus on how we know emotions, feelings, and affect through, with, and about
disability. Questions of performativity inquire what emotions, feelings, and
affect do, such as tracing the toll of living in a dis/ableist society or
the multifaceted ways dis/ableism unfolds via affect, feeling, and emotion.
Attending to the material impacts marks emotions, feelings, and affect
about, with, on, and through disability as a social, cultural, and political
endeavour. Questions of the more-than-human draw attention to the ways
emotions, feelings, and affect produce, maintain, alter, or dismantle
notions of disability, such as with disabled habitats, infrastructures,
animals, and more. This has deep implications for the survival and thriving
of disabled people, practices of disability justice, and nuanced engagements
with the more-than-human, including disabled animals, ecologies, and

We welcome a range of formats for papers including review articles,
conceptual papers, research papers, and contributions that creatively and
critically investigate disability and emotion. Interdisciplinary research,
co-authored submissions, and submissions from those with lived experience of
disability are particularly welcome. Possible themes of accepted papers
could include engagement with:

• Ableism/ Disableism;

• Affective politics of disability culture, economies, ecologies;

• Ambivalence;

• Crip, Mad, Neurodivergent, Deaf, Chronic, approaches to affect, emotions,
or feelings;

• Disabling emotions (e.g. fear, shame, mourning, pity, inspiration,

• Disability joy, pride;

• Disability justice;

• Novel epistemological and methodological approaches to knowing emotion,
feeling, affect, and disability;

• Cross-fertilizations with feminist theory, queer theory, critical race
theory, Indigenous thought.

The deadline for submission is 15 November 2023. Frontiers’ fast-track
review process means each article is published online as soon as it’s been
successfully peer-reviewed and accepted (typically within 61 days).

As an open access journal, publishing fees are applied to accepted articles.
Information on the publishing fees can be found under:
Please contact  mailto:sociology.submissions@frontiersin.org
sociology.submissions@frontiersin.org to discuss fees, institutional
waivers, and discounts.

Marie Sepulchre, PhD

Assistant Professor (Universitetslektor)

School of Social Work

Lund University, Sweden

marie.sepulchre@soch.lu.se mailto:marie.sepulchre@soch.lu.se

http://www.sepulchremarie.com/ www.sepulchremarie.com

End of message This Disability-Research
Discussion list is managed by the Centre for Disability Studies at the
University of Leeds (www.leeds.ac.uk/disability-studies
http://www.leeds.ac.uk/disability-studies ). Enquiries about list
administration should be sent to disability-research-request@jiscmail.ac.uk
mailto:disability-research-request@jiscmail.ac.uk  Archives and tools are
located at: www.jiscmail.ac.uk/lists/disability-research.html
http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/lists/disability-research.html  You can VIEW,
POST, JOIN and LEAVE the list by logging in to this web page.

LOOKS INTERESTING….. Devva Kasnitz, PhD Devvaco Consulting, 1614 D St. Eureka, CA 95501-2345 -- devva@earthlink.net or devvaco@gmail.com Adj Professor, City University of New York—School of Professional Studies—Disability Studies Text: 510-206-5767, She/Her/Hers From: The Disability-Research Discussion List <DISABILITY-RESEARCH@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> On Behalf Of Marie Sepulchre Sent: Monday, August 28, 2023 8:43 AM To: DISABILITY-RESEARCH@JISCMAIL.AC.UK Subject: CFP Affecting, Emoting, and Feeling Disability Affecting, Emoting, and Feeling Disability: Entanglements at the Intersection of Disability Studies and the Sociology of Emotions Edited by Yvonne Wechuli, Marie Sepulchre and Kelly Fritsch Deadline for Abstracts: 15 November 2023 | Deadline for Articles: 15 March 2024 Frontiers in Sociology, peer-reviewed journal indexed in PubMed Central (PMC), Scopus, Google Scholar, DOAJ, CrossRef, Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) , CLOCKSS, ERIH PLUS, welcomes new and exciting research papers for its upcoming issue “Affecting, Emoting, and Feeling Disability: Entanglements at the Intersection of Disability Studies and the Sociology of Emotions” edited by Yvonne Wechuli (University of Cologne), Marie Sépulchre (Lund University), and Kelly Fritsch (Carleton University). https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/56476/affecting-emoting-and-feel ing-disability-entanglements-at-the-intersection-of-disability-studies-and-t he-sociology-of-emotions This special issue explores theorizing on disability and emotion as one frontier of the Sociology of Emotions as it intersects with Disability Studies. While the Sociology of Emotions has only engaged with disability in limited ways so far, emancipatory knowledge produced about disability within the broad field of Disability Studies (including fields like Mad Studies, Deaf Studies, and Critical Autism Studies) provides a rich archive of emotional first-hand accounts of feelings and affective relations such as joy, pride, shame, disgust, and fear that are often undertheorised. Importantly, the fields of Sociology of Emotions and Disability Studies understand their central topics as primarily social, cultural, political, and ecological phenomena, challenging their conceptualization as natural, individual, or as limited to the realm of the human. By bringing both fields into conversation with one another, this special issue aims to deepen our understanding of emotions, feelings, and affect related to disability. This special issue welcomes mutual inspiration and cross-fertilization of sociological and disability studies theorizing on emotions and disability, focusing on questions of ontology, epistemology, performativity, and the more-than-human. Questions of ontology ask what disability and disabled emotions, feelings, and affect are. Such questions draw attention to the emotions, feelings, and affect that are triggered by experiences of, encounters with, and discourses about disability. Epistemological questions focus on how we know emotions, feelings, and affect through, with, and about disability. Questions of performativity inquire what emotions, feelings, and affect do, such as tracing the toll of living in a dis/ableist society or the multifaceted ways dis/ableism unfolds via affect, feeling, and emotion. Attending to the material impacts marks emotions, feelings, and affect about, with, on, and through disability as a social, cultural, and political endeavour. Questions of the more-than-human draw attention to the ways emotions, feelings, and affect produce, maintain, alter, or dismantle notions of disability, such as with disabled habitats, infrastructures, animals, and more. This has deep implications for the survival and thriving of disabled people, practices of disability justice, and nuanced engagements with the more-than-human, including disabled animals, ecologies, and environments. We welcome a range of formats for papers including review articles, conceptual papers, research papers, and contributions that creatively and critically investigate disability and emotion. Interdisciplinary research, co-authored submissions, and submissions from those with lived experience of disability are particularly welcome. Possible themes of accepted papers could include engagement with: • Ableism/ Disableism; • Affective politics of disability culture, economies, ecologies; • Ambivalence; • Crip, Mad, Neurodivergent, Deaf, Chronic, approaches to affect, emotions, or feelings; • Disabling emotions (e.g. fear, shame, mourning, pity, inspiration, disgust); • Disability joy, pride; • Disability justice; • Novel epistemological and methodological approaches to knowing emotion, feeling, affect, and disability; • Cross-fertilizations with feminist theory, queer theory, critical race theory, Indigenous thought. The deadline for submission is 15 November 2023. Frontiers’ fast-track review process means each article is published online as soon as it’s been successfully peer-reviewed and accepted (typically within 61 days). As an open access journal, publishing fees are applied to accepted articles. Information on the publishing fees can be found under: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/sociology/for-authors/publishing-fees. Please contact <mailto:sociology.submissions@frontiersin.org> sociology.submissions@frontiersin.org to discuss fees, institutional waivers, and discounts. Marie Sepulchre, PhD Assistant Professor (Universitetslektor) School of Social Work Lund University, Sweden marie.sepulchre@soch.lu.se <mailto:marie.sepulchre@soch.lu.se> <http://www.sepulchremarie.com/> www.sepulchremarie.com ________________End of message________________ This Disability-Research Discussion list is managed by the Centre for Disability Studies at the University of Leeds (www.leeds.ac.uk/disability-studies <http://www.leeds.ac.uk/disability-studies> ). Enquiries about list administration should be sent to disability-research-request@jiscmail.ac.uk <mailto:disability-research-request@jiscmail.ac.uk> Archives and tools are located at: www.jiscmail.ac.uk/lists/disability-research.html <http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/lists/disability-research.html> You can VIEW, POST, JOIN and LEAVE the list by logging in to this web page.