Fw: Please Circulate! Call for Papers( Sept. 15) Desiring Autism and Neurodivergence in Education: Decolonial, Intersectional, Critical and Creative Approaches

Nancy Hansen
Fri, Aug 18, 2023 1:45 PM

Nancy E Hansen, PhD,

Professor, Director,

Interdisciplinary Master's Program,Disability Studies

Accessibility is not an optics issue or a choice it is a necessity

If you say I have special needs ... then just say the word disabled. Euphemisms only fuel ableism. Disability is not a dirty word.  Haben Girma
True Inclusion moves at the speed of trust. Atif Choudhury
128 Education Building

University of Manitoba, Winnipeg,

Manitoba, Canada, R3T 2N2


Chapter 18: DisAppearing Disability: Disability MAiD Invisible, by Nancy Hansen


From: Katie Aubrecht caubrech@stfx.ca
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2023 6:29 PM
To: Bethany Theuerkauf btheuerk@stfx.ca; Rachel Hurst rahurst@stfx.ca; Emily Reid-Musson ereid@stfx.ca; Adam Perry aperry@stfx.ca; Riley Olstead rolstead@stfx.ca; Sheila Wildeman Sheila.Wildeman@Dal.Ca; tammy Bernasky Tammy_Bernasky@cbu.ca; Judy MacDonald Judy.MacDonald@Dal.Ca; Nancy Hansen nancy.hansen@umanitoba.ca; Kimberlee Collins kim.collins@mail.utoronto.ca; Lucie Kocum Lucie.Kocum@smu.ca
Subject: Fw: Please Circulate! Call for Papers( Sept. 15) Desiring Autism and Neurodivergence in Education: Decolonial, Intersectional, Critical and Creative Approaches

Caution: This message was sent from outside the University of Manitoba.

Please see below for an exciting call for papers and share!

I acknowledge that StFX is located in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People. We are all Treaty people.

From: Patricia Douglas douglas.patricia@queensu.ca
Sent: August 17, 2023 7:57 PM
To: Patricia Douglas douglas.patricia@queensu.ca
Subject: Please Circulate! Call for Papers( Sept. 15) Desiring Autism and Neurodivergence in Education: Decolonial, Intersectional, Critical and Creative Approaches

Dear lovely colleagues,

The Re•Storying Autism project is hosting a Symposium next June 2024 to workshop chapters and submissions for a book we are planning Desiring Autism and Neurodivergence in Education: Decolonial, Intersectional, Critical and Creative Approaches. We are excited! The editorial team is international in scope and has been meeting for over a year to plan. We are also applying for funding to help authors whose abstracts are accepted travel to the Symposium, which will be held in Kingston, ON. Please share widely through your networks, with students, colleagues, artists, and activists, and thank you in advance – I know this takes time in an already full schedule. Thank you, too, to folks who have already circulated.

Here is the link to the call including a plain language version https://www.restoryingautism.com/call

With gratitude and respect,


Patty Douglas | BA, BEd, MA, PhD

Chair in Student Success and Wellness

Associate Professor | Disability Studies

Faculty of Education | Queen’s University


Director and Principal Investigator

Re•Storying Autism in Education

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada | Insight Grant

Website: www.restoryingautism.comhttp://www.restoryingautism.com

Recent Publications:

Hodge, N. & Douglas, P. (2023). Developing the right(s) approach for autism. In A. Beckett and A. Callus (Eds.). Routledge Handbook on Children's Rights & Disability. Routledge.

Re•Storying Autism Collective (Douglas, P., Singer, K., Gillespe, E., Liska, S., & Peters, S.). (2022). Autistic, surviving and thriving under COVID-19: Imagining Inclusive autistic futures. Lateral: Journal of the Cultural Studies Association, 11(2).

Douglas, P. Runswick-Cole, K., Fogg, R. & Ryan, S. (2022). Making memories, making madness: Mad (m)others of disabled children

write back through digital storytelling. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 27(2), 1-19. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6502811

Queen’s University Land Acknowledgement

Queen’s University is situated on the territory of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabek.

Ne Queen’s University e’tho nón:we nikanónhsote tsi nón:we ne Haudenosaunee táhnon Anishinaabek tehatihsnonhsáhere ne onhwéntsya.

Gimaakwe Gchi-gkinoomaagegamig atemagad Naadowe miinwaa Anishinaabe aking.


Nancy E Hansen, PhD, Professor, Director, Interdisciplinary Master's Program,Disability Studies Accessibility is not an optics issue or a choice it is a necessity If you say I have special needs ... then just say the word disabled. Euphemisms only fuel ableism. Disability is not a dirty word. Haben Girma True Inclusion moves at the speed of trust. Atif Choudhury 128 Education Building University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3T 2N2 Email:Nancy.Hansen@umanitoba.ca<mailto:Nancy.Hansen@umanitoba.ca> Chapter 18: DisAppearing Disability: Disability MAiD Invisible, by Nancy Hansen https://canadianscholars.ca/book/disappearing/ ________________________________ From: Katie Aubrecht <caubrech@stfx.ca> Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2023 6:29 PM To: Bethany Theuerkauf <btheuerk@stfx.ca>; Rachel Hurst <rahurst@stfx.ca>; Emily Reid-Musson <ereid@stfx.ca>; Adam Perry <aperry@stfx.ca>; Riley Olstead <rolstead@stfx.ca>; Sheila Wildeman <Sheila.Wildeman@Dal.Ca>; tammy Bernasky <Tammy_Bernasky@cbu.ca>; Judy MacDonald <Judy.MacDonald@Dal.Ca>; Nancy Hansen <nancy.hansen@umanitoba.ca>; Kimberlee Collins <kim.collins@mail.utoronto.ca>; Lucie Kocum <Lucie.Kocum@smu.ca> Subject: Fw: Please Circulate! Call for Papers( Sept. 15) Desiring Autism and Neurodivergence in Education: Decolonial, Intersectional, Critical and Creative Approaches Caution: This message was sent from outside the University of Manitoba. Please see below for an exciting call for papers and share! Katie I acknowledge that StFX is located in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq People. We are all Treaty people. ________________________________ From: Patricia Douglas <douglas.patricia@queensu.ca> Sent: August 17, 2023 7:57 PM To: Patricia Douglas <douglas.patricia@queensu.ca> Subject: Please Circulate! Call for Papers( Sept. 15) Desiring Autism and Neurodivergence in Education: Decolonial, Intersectional, Critical and Creative Approaches Dear lovely colleagues, The Re•Storying Autism project is hosting a Symposium next June 2024 to workshop chapters and submissions for a book we are planning Desiring Autism and Neurodivergence in Education: Decolonial, Intersectional, Critical and Creative Approaches. We are excited! The editorial team is international in scope and has been meeting for over a year to plan. We are also applying for funding to help authors whose abstracts are accepted travel to the Symposium, which will be held in Kingston, ON. Please share widely through your networks, with students, colleagues, artists, and activists, and thank you in advance – I know this takes time in an already full schedule. Thank you, too, to folks who have already circulated. Here is the link to the call including a plain language version https://www.restoryingautism.com/call With gratitude and respect, Patty Patty Douglas | BA, BEd, MA, PhD Chair in Student Success and Wellness Associate Professor | Disability Studies Faculty of Education | Queen’s University https://educ.queensu.ca/people/patty-douglas Director and Principal Investigator Re•Storying Autism in Education Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada | Insight Grant Website: www.restoryingautism.com<http://www.restoryingautism.com> Recent Publications: Hodge, N. & Douglas, P. (2023). Developing the right(s) approach for autism. In A. Beckett and A. Callus (Eds.). Routledge Handbook on Children's Rights & Disability. Routledge. Re•Storying Autism Collective (Douglas, P., Singer, K., Gillespe, E., Liska, S., & Peters, S.). (2022). Autistic, surviving and thriving under COVID-19: Imagining Inclusive autistic futures. Lateral: Journal of the Cultural Studies Association, 11(2). Douglas, P. Runswick-Cole, K., Fogg, R. & Ryan, S. (2022). Making memories, making madness: Mad (m)others of disabled children write back through digital storytelling. Journal on Developmental Disabilities, 27(2), 1-19. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6502811 Queen’s University Land Acknowledgement Queen’s University is situated on the territory of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabek. Ne Queen’s University e’tho nón:we nikanónhsote tsi nón:we ne Haudenosaunee táhnon Anishinaabek tehatihsnonhsáhere ne onhwéntsya. Gimaakwe Gchi-gkinoomaagegamig atemagad Naadowe miinwaa Anishinaabe aking. https://www.queensu.ca/indigenous/ways-knowing/land-acknowledgement