FW: H-Disability: Western History Association Disability Studies and Disabled Scholar Award 2023

Devva Kasnitz
Wed, May 10, 2023 5:23 PM


Devva Kasnitz, PhD
Devvaco Consulting, 1614 D St. Eureka, CA 95501-2345 -- devva@earthlink.net or devvaco@gmail.com
Adj Professor, City University of New York—School of Professional Studies—Disability Studies
Text: 510-206-5767, She/Her/Hers

From: H-Net Notifications drupaladmin@mail.h-net.org
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2023 8:31 AM
Subject: H-Disability: Western History Association Disability Studies and Disabled Scholar Award 2023

Greetings Devva Kasnitz,
A new item has been posted in H-Disability.

Western History Association Disability Studies and Disabled Scholar Award 2023 https://networks.h-net.org/user/login?destination=node/12819491

by Alida Boorn
Application Deadline: June 15, 2023
The purpose of the Western History Disability Studies and Disabled Scholar Award is to promote the place of disability and all of the ramifications that disability, diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion have had in the history of the North American West. It is important to promote and support scholars who study this history, whether these scholars have a disability or not. To read more on the significance and vibrancy of Disability Studies, see Disability Studies and History below.
The $1,000 award, funded by independent blind historian Alida Boorn, will support a graduate student who either is working in the fields of disability studies and western history OR identifies as disabled and who wishes to attend the WHA conference with financial assistance. Funding from the award will assist their ability to research and present academic papers and network with other scholars at the annual WHA conferences.
See  https://www.westernhistory.org/awards/disability Western History Association - Western History Disability Studies and Disabled Scholar Award

FYI Devva Kasnitz, PhD Devvaco Consulting, 1614 D St. Eureka, CA 95501-2345 -- devva@earthlink.net or devvaco@gmail.com Adj Professor, City University of New York—School of Professional Studies—Disability Studies Text: 510-206-5767, She/Her/Hers From: H-Net Notifications <drupaladmin@mail.h-net.org> Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2023 8:31 AM To: devva@EARTHLINK.NET Subject: H-Disability: Western History Association Disability Studies and Disabled Scholar Award 2023 Greetings Devva Kasnitz, A new item has been posted in H-Disability. Western History Association Disability Studies and Disabled Scholar Award 2023 <https://networks.h-net.org/user/login?destination=node/12819491> by Alida Boorn Application Deadline: June 15, 2023 The purpose of the Western History Disability Studies and Disabled Scholar Award is to promote the place of disability and all of the ramifications that disability, diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion have had in the history of the North American West. It is important to promote and support scholars who study this history, whether these scholars have a disability or not. To read more on the significance and vibrancy of Disability Studies, see Disability Studies and History below. The $1,000 award, funded by independent blind historian Alida Boorn, will support a graduate student who either is working in the fields of disability studies and western history OR identifies as disabled and who wishes to attend the WHA conference with financial assistance. Funding from the award will assist their ability to research and present academic papers and network with other scholars at the annual WHA conferences. See <https://www.westernhistory.org/awards/disability> Western History Association - Western History Disability Studies and Disabled Scholar Award * Read more or reply <https://networks.h-net.org/user/login?destination=node/12819491> Message from a proud sponsor of H-Net: <https://www.h-net.org/collateral/nbnfooterlogo202211_scaled.png> The New Books Network <https://networks.h-net.org/nbn-campaign?mtm_campaign=nbn-ss> is proud to be a sponsor of H-Net. If you are interested in becoming an NBN host, please go here <https://networks.h-net.org/node/513/pages/10038031/new-book-network-proudly-supports-h-net> . Si te interesa hacer entrevistas en español, contáctanos <https://networks.h-net.org/nbn-es-campaign?mtm_campaign=nbn-ss-es> . <https://www.h-net.org/collateral/hnetsquarelogo_40.png> Please help us keep H-Net free and accessible. $25 from each of our subscribers would fund H-Net for two years. Click here <https://networks.h-net.org/support-h-net> to make a tax-deductible donation online. Contact the Help Desk: help@mail.h-net.org <mailto:help@mail.h-net.org> . Manage notification settings by visiting My Profile > Notifications on the Commons <https://networks.h-net.org/> . <https://twitter.com/HNet_Humanities> <https://www.facebook.com/humanities.socialsciences.online> <https://analytics.h-net.org/matomo.php?idsite=1&rec=1&action_name=email_notification>