Press release - Rosemary Crossley has died

Lydia X. Z. Brown
Wed, May 17, 2023 10:27 PM

FYI, if you have not heard the news:

PRESS RELEASE: Rosemary Crossley has diedUPDATED: Friday 12th of May 2023

It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that the Anne McDonald Centre
Committee of Management announce the death yesterday of its Director and
co-founder, Rosemary Crossley.

Dr. Rosemary Crossley, AM, PhD, died on 10/5/2023. She was 78 years old.
She became famous as a therapist with and advocate for people with little
or no functional speech.

Crossley was born on 6/5/1945 at Horsham. She was educated at Morongo
school and went on to the Australian National University. After a brief
period in the Australian Public Service she began working at the Victorian
Spastic Centre with people with severe handicaps.

In 1974 she was hired as a playleader at St. Nicholas Hospital, a Parkville
institution for severely handicapped children run by the Victorian Health
Commission. It was there that she met Anne McDonald. McDonald had severe
cerebral palsy, could not walk, talk, or feed herself, and had been
diagnosed as severely retarded.

Crossley decided to see if she could find a way for McDonald to communicate
by pointing – first at choices on a communication board, then at word
blocks, then letter blocks, and finally on a letter board.

This brought Crossley into conflict with her superiors at the hospital, and
eventually McDonald asked to leave. The Health Commission refused to allow
this, and were taken to the Victorian Supreme Court on a very rare habeas
corpus action. Anne won the action, and left St. Nicholas to live with
Crossley and her partner Chris Borthwick for the next thirty-two years.

“Annie’s Coming Out”, Crossley and McDonald’s account of their struggle,
was an international bestseller and went on many school curriculums. It was
later made into a movie of the same name, which won the AFI Best Picture
award in 1984.

The court case, the book, and the film exposed the shortcomings of St.
Nicholas Hospital and of the system that had created it, and led directly
to the closure of the hospital a few years later – the first step in the
deinstitutionalisation of care for people with disabilities in Victoria.

In 1986 Crossley founded the DEAL Communication Centre in Caulfield. The
Centre began by working mainly with people with cerebral palsy, but soon
found itself taking on clients with other diagnoses – Down Syndrome, Rett
Syndrome, developmental disabilities, and, increasingly, autism. In case
after case Crossley was able to establish a means of communication with the
client, demonstrating that their diagnoses of intellectual disability had
been made in error.

Crossley described her methods as Facilitated Communication Training,
involving coactive hand-on-hand movement at the beginning of the training
process. While she always aimed for eventual independent communication, the
method was criticised for allowing communicators to impose their messages
on their partners.

Nonetheless, many people who Crossley had helped communicate went on to
graduate from schools and universities.

When Anne McDonald died in 2010 DEAL changed its name to the Anne McDonald
Centre, but the work went on. iPads, in particular, have spread
hand-pointing skills more widely, and newer clients were better able to
communicate more independently sooner.

Crossley wrote books (including “Speechless”, 1997) lectured at
universities and presented papers at conferences around the world. She was
awarded an AM in 1986 for services to people with severe communication
impairments and took a doctorate in communication from Victoria University
in 1998. She was admired for her indomitable spirit, her determination, and
her ability to empower others in advocating for themselves and for the
people they loved.

Dr. Crossley died of cancer in the Royal Melbourne Hospital on 10/5/2023.
She was working till the end: in the hospital, she was able to assist a
nurse who had a foster son with communication handicap with books, boards,
and iPad apps.

Together, Crossley and McDonald changed the history of disability.
Crossley’s life work of teaching, researching, and advocating for people
with little or no functional speech has improved the lives of thousands of
the most vulnerable people in many countries and over five decades. Her
sharp intellect and wicked good humour will be missed. The world has lost
an important voice speaking out for the rights of people with disabilities.

For further details contact
Leane Leggo,
0438 546 080

Chris Borthwick,
0487 683 988
Media Contacts:Name: Leane LeggoCompany: The Anne McDonald CentreEmail: 0438 546 080

FYI, if you have not heard the news: PRESS RELEASE: Rosemary Crossley has died*UPDATED*: Friday 12th of May 2023 It is with great sadness and a heavy heart that the Anne McDonald Centre Committee of Management announce the death yesterday of its Director and co-founder, Rosemary Crossley. Dr. Rosemary Crossley, AM, PhD, died on 10/5/2023. She was 78 years old. She became famous as a therapist with and advocate for people with little or no functional speech. Crossley was born on 6/5/1945 at Horsham. She was educated at Morongo school and went on to the Australian National University. After a brief period in the Australian Public Service she began working at the Victorian Spastic Centre with people with severe handicaps. In 1974 she was hired as a playleader at St. Nicholas Hospital, a Parkville institution for severely handicapped children run by the Victorian Health Commission. It was there that she met Anne McDonald. McDonald had severe cerebral palsy, could not walk, talk, or feed herself, and had been diagnosed as severely retarded. Crossley decided to see if she could find a way for McDonald to communicate by pointing – first at choices on a communication board, then at word blocks, then letter blocks, and finally on a letter board. This brought Crossley into conflict with her superiors at the hospital, and eventually McDonald asked to leave. The Health Commission refused to allow this, and were taken to the Victorian Supreme Court on a very rare habeas corpus action. Anne won the action, and left St. Nicholas to live with Crossley and her partner Chris Borthwick for the next thirty-two years. “Annie’s Coming Out”, Crossley and McDonald’s account of their struggle, was an international bestseller and went on many school curriculums. It was later made into a movie of the same name, which won the AFI Best Picture award in 1984. The court case, the book, and the film exposed the shortcomings of St. Nicholas Hospital and of the system that had created it, and led directly to the closure of the hospital a few years later – the first step in the deinstitutionalisation of care for people with disabilities in Victoria. In 1986 Crossley founded the DEAL Communication Centre in Caulfield. The Centre began by working mainly with people with cerebral palsy, but soon found itself taking on clients with other diagnoses – Down Syndrome, Rett Syndrome, developmental disabilities, and, increasingly, autism. In case after case Crossley was able to establish a means of communication with the client, demonstrating that their diagnoses of intellectual disability had been made in error. Crossley described her methods as Facilitated Communication Training, involving coactive hand-on-hand movement at the beginning of the training process. While she always aimed for eventual independent communication, the method was criticised for allowing communicators to impose their messages on their partners. Nonetheless, many people who Crossley had helped communicate went on to graduate from schools and universities. When Anne McDonald died in 2010 DEAL changed its name to the Anne McDonald Centre, but the work went on. iPads, in particular, have spread hand-pointing skills more widely, and newer clients were better able to communicate more independently sooner. Crossley wrote books (including “Speechless”, 1997) lectured at universities and presented papers at conferences around the world. She was awarded an AM in 1986 for services to people with severe communication impairments and took a doctorate in communication from Victoria University in 1998. She was admired for her indomitable spirit, her determination, and her ability to empower others in advocating for themselves and for the people they loved. Dr. Crossley died of cancer in the Royal Melbourne Hospital on 10/5/2023. She was working till the end: in the hospital, she was able to assist a nurse who had a foster son with communication handicap with books, boards, and iPad apps. Together, Crossley and McDonald changed the history of disability. Crossley’s life work of teaching, researching, and advocating for people with little or no functional speech has improved the lives of thousands of the most vulnerable people in many countries and over five decades. Her sharp intellect and wicked good humour will be missed. The world has lost an important voice speaking out for the rights of people with disabilities. For further details contact Leane Leggo, 0438 546 080 Or Chris Borthwick, 0487 683 988 Media Contacts:Name: Leane LeggoCompany: The Anne McDonald CentreEmail: 0438 546 080