SDS Affinity Group Announcement

Administrative Coordinator
Tue, Sep 19, 2023 3:17 AM

*Dear SDS Community: *

We appreciate the interest and support of the Affinity Group spaces that
we had planned for September, 2023. The SDS board has made the decision to
postpone these meeting spaces until January 2024 in order to create more
robust meeting spaces, in a timeline that allows as many interested
members, lapsed members, and potential members to attend as possible. We
want these spaces to allow open and transparent sharing among
multiply-marginalized, disabled individuals.
We believe that these spaces
can provide invaluable input into the strategic planning work of the SDS
board, and as such have made the decision to reschedule them for January 12
and 13, 2024.*

*If you have already shared your interest in attending one or more of these
spaces, please expect more specific communication from us in the coming
month. We will also provide further opportunities for those interested in
the Affinity Group meetings to ask questions and provide feedback about how
these spaces are structured. *

*Thank you, *

The SDS Board of Directors

*These are not academic sub-discipline spaces or ally spaces; rather they
are spaces conceived of and for multiply marginalized and/or disabled
individuals. We understand that space for academic sub-disciplines groups
is something that some members are interested in. The Affinity Group spaces
have been organized around the following identities: LGBTQAI+, BIPOC,
artists/activists/community scholars, family members of disabled
individuals, students, and international/non-western individuals.

Administrative Coordinator
[Website] [Facebook]

*Dear SDS Community: * *We appreciate the interest and support of the Affinity Group spaces that we had planned for September, 2023. The SDS board has made the decision to postpone these meeting spaces until January 2024 in order to create more robust meeting spaces, in a timeline that allows as many interested members, lapsed members, and potential members to attend as possible. We want these spaces to allow open and transparent sharing among multiply-marginalized, disabled individuals.* We believe that these spaces can provide invaluable input into the strategic planning work of the SDS board, and as such have made the decision to reschedule them for January 12 and 13, 2024.* *If you have already shared your interest in attending one or more of these spaces, please expect more specific communication from us in the coming month. We will also provide further opportunities for those interested in the Affinity Group meetings to ask questions and provide feedback about how these spaces are structured. * *Thank you, * *The SDS Board of Directors* **These are not academic sub-discipline spaces or ally spaces; rather they are spaces conceived of and for multiply marginalized and/or disabled individuals. We understand that space for academic sub-disciplines groups is something that some members are interested in. The Affinity Group spaces have been organized around the following identities: LGBTQAI+, BIPOC, artists/activists/community scholars, family members of disabled individuals, students, and international/non-western individuals.* Administrative Coordinator [Website <>] [Facebook <>]