Thursday, September 21-Virtual Panel: Fusion of Minds: Art, Data, and Collaboration

Chanika Svetvilas
Mon, Sep 18, 2023 2:17 PM

Hello SDS Members,

As the artist-in-residence from 2022-23 at the Ida B. Wells Just Data Lab, African American Studies, Princeton
University, I would like to share my project, Anonymous Was the Data,
that explored the intersection of the Asian American and Pacific Islander
community and mental health, care access, and stigma.

I wanted to personally invite you to my
panel on Thursday, September 21
7 pm EST focused on my art project Anonymous Was the Data - Fusion of
Minds: Art, Data, and Collaboration
. You can register for the Zoom link

Additionally, the culminating exhibition, Mindscapes Unveiled, is now
online as a virtual gallery on my website along with
resources and information about the creative process.

Enjoy the experience!



Hello SDS Members, As the artist-in-residence from 2022-23 at the Ida B. Wells Just Data Lab, <> African American Studies, Princeton University, I would like to share my project, *Anonymous Was the Data*, that explored the intersection of the Asian American and Pacific Islander community and mental health, care access, and stigma. I wanted to personally invite you to my <>virtual panel on Thursday, September 21 <> at 7 pm EST focused on my art project Anonymous Was the Data - *Fusion of Minds: Art, Data, and Collaboration*. You can register for the Zoom link <> . Additionally, the culminating exhibition, *Mindscapes Unveiled*, is now online as a virtual gallery <> on my website <> along with resources and information about the creative process. Enjoy the experience! Warrnly, Chanika